Yes, I know Earth day was yesterday but I really wanted to make sure my pledge was something tangible for me and my family before I committed and something that was different from what we are already doing.
I thought about my Earth Day pledge and I think I have figured out what I want to do.
I pledge to buy as much used and thrifted items as possible. Obviously this excludes hygienic items (underwear, soap, etc.), safety items (car seats, first aid supplies, etc.) and food (I buy as much local and/or organic as possible). I will stay away form big box stores and choose the local thrift store instead. Almost all thrift stores or Opportunity shops are for charity anyways, so it is a win - win situation.
What's your Earth Day pledge?
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This is a great pledge! I have been getting back into thrift shopping more and more with all the DIY projects I find on Pinterest. You can find some incredible things at thrift shops.