Thursday, 12 September 2013

Setting Goals {3} - Mission Complete

I accomplished stuff!  WOO!

I recently decided that I need to get my butt in gear with life in general.  I set some short-term goals and actually accomplished some of them and more.

First goal - Have a yard sale.

Soon after writing my goals and posting them I trecked down to the basement and started bringing my junk treasure up to the garage to get set up.  Considering we really didn't have much stuff to sell and it was fairly last minute, we did alright.  We got rid of a lot of big stuff and it went to people who could really use it.

An old friend and former co-worker from my YMCA days in Kitchener responded to my Facebook post about our yard sale.  She said she was in desperate need of an office chair for work and noticed the picture of ours.  Knowing how bad her back is and how comfortable the chair is, it was a perfect match. 

When I was cleaning up the left overs of our yard sale, 2 women pulled up and asked about the coffee table and end tables (with crappy paint jobs) which I had set all the small junk treasures on.  I had been using them for my home child care when I had it set up in the basement, but with the babies I have now, there is no way I'm hauling them up and down the stairs just to play in the basement - so they were currently not in use.  We settled on $18 for all 3 and they told me they were going to their "camp" where they have a lot of people visit.  They will get more use with them than me, so I'm happy I got rid of them.

Now I have less stuff in my house and more moula in my pocket.

I still have to take some stuff to the thrift store and take a couple old tube televisions to the electronics drop off, but when that is done, this goal is complete!

Second Goal: Do some gardening during the yard sale.

This didn't really happen because we ended up getting a lot of customers so I chit-chatted a lot.  I pulled a few weeds, but nothing compared to what I NEED to accomplish.  Ugh.  It is pretty much fall now so I don't have much time left either....

Third Goal: Clean garage during yard sale.

I tidyed a bit while getting ready for the yard sale, but like I said above, I did a lot of chit-chatting instead of cleaning or gardening.


Fourth Goal: Write 2 blog entries that week.

They aren't anything special but I did complete this goal.  You can see my Wordless Wednesday post here and another post from the week here.
I really want to write more often, I'm just having trouble organizing my thoughts to actually complete a post in good time.  I had been writing and contemplating the I'm not a Babysitter post for about a month.

Fifth Goal:  Walk my dog more often.

This may seem silly, but I really have been slacking on this.  She is used to 3-5 walks a day and I have maybe been getting 1 or 2 in a day.  She still goes out in our yard, but I feel bad.  When Sloan arrived, Wicket got pushed aside.  We still love her and pet her, but she is an old girl.  She turned 15 in July which is around 92 in human years so her eyes and ears aren't working like they used to.  She didn't always notice Sloan on the floor.  I may have freaked out a little and yelled at her when she almost stepped on my newborn bundle.  She was number one and then everything changed when Sloan came: less walks, less playing, no more laying on the carpet (Sloan's play area). Now that Sloan is walking and oh so gently pulling the dog's tail, we keep Wicket in the front hall - for her own safety.  She likes being by the front door anyways.  She is going deaf, so when the door hits her when it opens she knows someone is here.  Sloan is at an age now where she likes to "pet" the animals. (Sloan's definition of petting the animals: Grab fur and/or flesh and pull.  OR Open-hand slap them repeatedly.) She also likes to play with Wicket's tags and collar.  For her own sanity and safety, we keep Sloan away from Wicket.

 I know my dog doesn't have a lot of years left - she is a Grandma-dog!  I need to make sure I still show her love and one of the best ways of doing that is taking her for a walk.  Seriously, we had to stop saying walk because she would get so excited.  We even had to stop spelling w-a-l-k as code.  She knew.  She LOVES walks.   We had to start calling walks "seven".  Now that she is hard of hearing, we don't have to worry as much.

I've been trying really hard to get Wicket's multiple walks in.  Now that I have re-opened my home child care (bye-bye maternity leave *sigh*) it has been a little more difficult to work around the babies' schedules.  They are on nap shifts.  So Wicket hasn't gone out as much as I would like.  Once I get back into the groove and get the babies on a schedule together (it is M's first week so it will take her a while to get used to not being with mommy) I will be able to take Wicket out.  This is an on-going goal that I am very determined to do.

Other Goals

I got a little bit of crafting done last week too.  I made some t-shirt yarn which will later become a rag rug.  My husband and I started a painting together and I started a present for an old friends' new baby girl.  Pictures of all those adventures will come later.

1 comment:

  1. Great goal list! Keep it going - they start to steamroll when you cross them off your list.

    Now...if I could only get started on mine ;)

